d2mini's 46g Bow Front

i dont know the difference between the two bulbs, but the look will be alot more blue and give the corals a great pop. the reason i am going with that is because i posted a thread on RC asking about the best 6 bulb combo that will make the corals pop and also give them a great growth rate and that bulb choice seemed to be what everyone would have gone with
Dustin, what is the diff in color between the aquablue and the blue+?
Overall, how do you think that new setup will differ from the current?

A big difference.The Aquablue is actually a daylight bulb-12000k.It is a crisp white bulb with a slight bluish hue.You already know what the blue+ looks like.If you love the look then stick with it,I would of like to see one of the true actinics(420nm) instead of all blue+.Two blues and a purple would look fantastic for actinics.
its really pretty but im gonna have a lionfish and possibly a snowflake eel in my 40gal, would the star be ok or would either of these eat it?
Just did an update to my powerheads.
I added two Koralia #1's and one Tunze Nanostream 6045. This is on top of the two Koralia #2's I have in there.
So now in total I have about 3,189 gph of flow inside the tank plus the little bit extra from my return pump.

K2 on the top left, K2 and Tunze on the top right, K1 on the bottom left pointed straight right against the back wall and K1 on the middle of the back wall on the right pointed towards the front glass. I'll eventually cover that one more with more rock.

maybe its a depth perception issue but that K 2 on the left seems to be pointing at that cap, and you dont really wanna do that, you want indirect flow
you got a ton of spots for corals on that rock formation. I have the same size tank but the rocks I ordered came in very odd and large shapes so my aquascaping is much different. Yours looks great!
you got a ton of spots for corals on that rock formation. I have the same size tank but the rocks I ordered came in very odd and large shapes so my aquascaping is much different. Yours looks great!

Thanks! That's why I bought all my rock a little bit at a time and most of it from established tanks that other hobbyists were tearing down. This way I was able to pick and choose the ones I liked. Lots of nooks and crannies and different shapes and smaller pieces. Of course it was still a big guessing game but overall I think I ended up with a decent selection.
Nothing to see here. Just documenting my new ball of cheato and new powerstrip to accommodate my new powerheads. And adding the 6-line pic from my other thread. Yawn.


I hate professional photographers:mrgreen:

Well, I'm glad you don't hate me. I'm just a hobbyist who's lucky enough to get paid once in a while. If I was a pro I'd probably be too sick of taking pics all day and then I'd never post anything here! :mrgreen: