d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build


Just finished getting the new refugium setup and done.
New light hanging above... a 200 watt GROW LIGHT! I swear... i'm only growing marine plants. :D

There won't end up being nearly that many mangroves in the end. Uprooting them from soil they were in before has put may of them into shock. So we'll see what survives. Eventually I'd like to have around 3 really strong ones that I can prune bonsai-like. The plan is to get the roots to grow large and down towards the rock and substrate. Right now they are really fine, I'm assuming is from being buried in the sand previously. This should be interesting.

Also got my order of AWESOME STUFF from Richard at Tampa Bay Saltwater!
I got rock, gorgonians, macro algae/plants, a few snails, various starfish... TBS is never a disappointment. And if you missed it earlier, the substrate is mostly fiji mud with just a little bit of my old sand mixed in. Been curious about it and figured some kind of mud-like substrate would be good for the plants. And no, this is not "miracle mud"... this is actually natural mud from Fiji.

Here's the pics.
You can see how the water comes in from my chiller through the loc-line. Then it overflows through the large slot into the frag side of the tank. More pics to come later on that side. For now, here's the fuge side.









That's kinda my idea for my new tank when I get my own house, I want about a 4 gl Display refugium on the side on a stand ar a little higher than my DT, then im going to have it gravity feed into my DT. I was sea horses and some pipe fish in it.