Doc's Shark Tank

It looks really good Doc.Now the sucker fish can clean the algae more easily.

I'm kidding,I won't call Squishy a pleco anymore.
The powerstrip where the lights were plugged in was turned off. I flipped the switch and they all came on. YAY! :-)

i guess your brain is so full with knowledge for your job and reef keeping that you decided to throw common sense out of your brain
So... A 203 gallon tank + a 90 gallon sump = a 293?? Compared to my 295? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh god Doc add a remote DSB or a remote Fuge or a frag tank or plumb in 3 milk jugs or something. That is a challenge to your manhood.

hahahaha you lost by 2 gallons! That blows but its hillarious!
I have a 55 gallon sump. The inside of my tank measures out to be a 240. I will have to measure the exact dimensions -- I don't have them memorized.
ok well while yall argue about whos tank is bigger i am going to put everyone on this forum on notice, i was talking to my mom this morning and when we get our basement finished we are going to put a tank down their that is atleast 550 gallons just in the DT not counting the added atleast 150 gallons from the fuge.
Dustin Im not trying to be an ass but your 120 is brandy spanking new and you are having a pretty rough go at that, why would you dump 15k or so on a monster tank like that?
it wont be for another year and a half atleast, its still in the planning stages since we are trying to figure out how the layout of the basement will be
I have at least a dozen 5 gallon buckets sitting around. If he does that, I'm going to rig all mine up in the living room, in one long circuit. NDB will have yet another one of his "WTF are you doing?" moments, and I'll be like, "I just added 45 more gallons to my system! Beat that Doc!" and there will be buckets on top of the entertainment center, and in the fireplace, and behind the couch. And NDB will shake his head, go watch a movie and not say another word because he knows that if he does it will start WWIII and he doesn't want to go there. Again.