Easy low light corals?


Reefing newb
I'm looking for something to place on outcroppings on my rock. Some are slightly shaded as of now. I'm installing new LED's next week, but some places will still be lower light. Any suggestions for those spots? Have to be pretty tolerant of human stupidity (mine) and easy to maintain. I really need some blues and reds in my tank! I need things for upper, middle and lower areas.

Mushrooms love shady spots in my rocks they spread really nice but not over taking anything near it and come in tons of colors.
If you can get some with a bit of rubble attached on the bottom you can super glue gel them to anywhere.
I've got some green shrooms one a rock one the sand. I was told to leave it there as they didn't like shadows and they like the sand! Humm, more reading to do.

So far I haven't had much luck "growing" corals. Most, but not all, I have gotten survive. I have had an issue losing a yellow polyp colony, an orange fungia, one of two Favia, and most of a colony of Zoas. Since my parameters are all good I have to assume its a lighting issue. Soon to be corrected I hope. I have had positive phosphate tests, but since I constantly run a phosban reactor I kinda doubt the results. I know it was an issue before I started the reactor though.

I really hope the lights make a difference. Frags are so much cheaper than these big corals I have been buying! I'd love to grow some too. FWIW, I try my best to buy only cultured corals. After seeing the sad state of the Rose Island reef in the Bahamas, I'm glad I do.

Thanks for the suggestions!
For blue, try blue clove polyps. They are hardy and tolerant of less than ideal conditions. Zoas come in every color variety imaginable.
Leathers are also easy, showy, and fairly tolerant of newbie mistakes. They don't need a lot of light either. They can get a wee bit aggressive to other corals, but they really are neat, and inexpensive too!