Hello All


Reefing newb
Hello everyone!

My name is Jack and I am fairly new to my saltwater aquarium. I inherited a 46 gallon bowfront from a friend who already had several tanks and was looking to let this one go.

Currently running a Penguin Bio-Wheel filter and a Coralife Super Skimer 65. Over the holidays I purchased a new T5 HO light for the tank (yeah Christmas money!).

I seem to be suddenly having a minor (I hope) issue with the skimmer so may make another post soon.

I look forward to learning more and expanding things with the aquarium. I can already see how this could become an addiction needing to grow and grow!
Hello and welcome!!

I highly suggest finding a different home for your yellow tang... 46 gallons really isn't enough room for them.
Erin - so I have now been told a few times after my local shop told me it would work... :-(

Sadly I don't have anyplace else to send him right now so I guess I will keep my fingers crossed?
Hello and Welcome!!

LFS are notorious for selling creatures that have no business being in that persons tank, or any tank at all. They are a business, if you buy a fish from that is likely to die, its a win for them because you will come back and buy more. Also just because someone works at a LFS doesnt mean they know anything about keeping a successful reef tank.

I too have 46 bow, and I would never put a tang in there. It would be cruel, and now its your duty to find this fish a proper home. But there are tons of other great fish out there that will flourish in our smaller tanks, so dont lose hope.

Also that isnt a very good skimmer, they are prone to overflowing so beware. Also the filter you have is more of a freshwater technology that doesnt translate well into saltwater. They tend to collect stuff, let it rot and release nitrates back into your water column. Not a huge deal if you are doing only fish, but it will matter if you plan on doing corals. But if you have enough rock (1-2 lbs per gallon) you really dont need that extra filter, and the skimmer will help out too.