

Reefing newb
Hello everyone, my name is Melanie and I just thought I should introduce myself. I've been interested in the marine hobby for around six months, and in august I got my fist little bio cube. When I got my eight gallon it consisted of the lighting, five pounds of live rock, a few blue legged hermits, ten pounds of live sand and one randall's pistol shrimp. It has since then turned into a beautiful little nano reef with many corals and a few fish. Along with my eight gallon i'm just setting up a t 46 gallon with the intention of keeping both fish and coral to have another successful reef tank. Looking forward to getting to know all of you :D

A more specific look at the live components of my bio cube:
-randall's pistol shrimp -Various Zooanthids/sand polyps
-Black clown fish -Red Lobe Brain
-Sharknose Goby -Candy Coral
-Yellowline Goby -Blastomussa
-Red Neon Eviota Goby -Various Riccordia
-Yasha Goby
-Blue Legged hermit (2)
-Nassarius Snail (3)
-Astrea Turbo
-Whisker coral
-Various Mushroom coral

At the moment the 46 gallon has only 5 Allen's damsels, seeing as it's a new project.
Hi and welcome to the site!

If I were you, I'd remove the damsels from the 46 gallon. If you are trying to cycle with them, there's no need to use live fish. If they survive, they will torment and bully any new fish you try to add.
I agree with Biff. Damsels are bullies. You could always just throw some raw shrimp from the store in to help cycle the tank.

Anyway welcome to the site and the hobby.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, allen's damsels are actually one of the more peaceful damsel and generally aren't too much of a threat in an aquarium. I'm not concerned with their aggression levels.
welcome to the site; I'm new here myself; I cycled my first reef tank with some plain fish food, just enough to get some beneficial bacteria to grow