Heyyy evryone


Reefing newb
Hello I'm janet AKA janey

i been reefing for over 20 yrs and still learning... God so much to learn . but its fun..

I'll be back soon cause i will setting up my 110 slim tank , and i want to if it can be done. a closet on the side with 2 or 3 windows for viewing of a frag tank, a refuigium , and a breeder tank. I'm trying to learn the SKETCHUP program So all can have input and help me design my tank.

Thanks and thank you for letting me jopin ur group.
and WOW so many groups out there ..

JANEY :mrgreen::Cheers:
Welcome to livingreefs.

Sketchup is preety cool once you get used to it. I used it to make different layouts of my set-up.