I installed a "fail safe" for my rodi reservoir....


I failed Kobayashi Maru
so if I forget to turn off my rodi to refill my reservoir, there's now an outlet that lets it drain into another empty reservoir....yet I still flooded LOL I guess it doesn't help to have a failsafe if you forget to turn off the water for more than a whole day's worth of filling. ;)
Don't want to hijack your thread or anything, but have you thought of an electronic sensor that sits at the top of the tank so when the water level connects two probes it cuts power to the pump? This is what I am planning for my invert tank because I am super paranoid of floods =/
My rodi unit is not currently hooked up with any pumps...I just turn on the spigot manually as needed. I will one day set up an automatic pump, but for now, it's manual :) I currently do have an ATO switch in my sump that keeps my water levels perfect. I have a spare ATO that I can use for my rodi unit once I set it up with a pump.