
Ok, I have a 10 gallon tank coming in now. When it gets here I want to get the live rock in and cycled. I'm going to mix the salt/water in the tank then add sand and let it settle. After that I'm going to add the LR.

Sound like the right order to do it in?

Also do I need any special lighting for LR? I am going to just use a little lamp to light it or does it even matter? The light probably dosen't affect it much (expect for if it's T5 or a coral light). I'm just trying to make the tank cycled and live for when I attach the eclipse system to it?

Also... (sorry haha) is it alright to add Hermits right after it's cycled, or should I wait for the Eclipse filter, or for some algae or life to grow more for food for them?

$50 is cheap. Unless you find a crazy sale you won't find it much cheaper than that. Try ebay.
They can cost up to double that depending on the quality.
Yah 50 was off of Ebay. I might be able to snipe something from my school's lab if there is anything (such as test paper). Is there anything that would be in a chemistry lab that could test salinity. I might even be able to borrow a refractometer possibly.
I concur, the one at the two docs is probably your best bet. It's $44.99 plus $9.99 shipping. Cheaper than buying a hydrometer every six months and more accurate.
If you decide to go with a hydrometer.Then have your LFS check it againt their refractometer and mark the difference in the readings on the side.
Then get the refractometer as soon as you can.
Well I just bought a Aquapod by Current USA (12 gallon). It comes with 2 power heads, which is good.

I won't be able to start it until around christmas though because my GF has to give it to me as a present haha. Actually I might pay for it and let her buy me fish...

If I don't have the tank until christmas would setting live rock into a bucket of salt water and moving it into the tank make the cycle time less when it's moved into the new tank?

(I worded that akwardly sorry).

Oh and if I were to get distilled water, they have it in 4 litre containers. It would take over 10 of these, more like15 to get to the full 12 gallons. Is there any way I can purify it through tap water or is it cheaper just to buy 10 or so jugs of water?
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