My 45


Reefing newb
Well, Have been meaning to do this since I got it started, but that hasnt happened. I currently have:

48" Coralife Pc 265 watt lights.
About 50-75 Lbs of Sand.
30 Lbs of Lr
20 Lbs of LBTR or Utah Rock
Cpr Bakpac W/ Maxi 12
1 daytime heater and 1 Nighttime heater.
1 Koralia #4
1 Baby Brown Banded Bamboo shark
1 Diamond goby
1 Velvet Damsel
1 Dwarf V. Lionfish
1 Longhorned Cowfish
1 Crocea Clam
Candy Cane Coral W/ 2 heads starting to split
Armor of God Paly with 2 large heads and 2 Baby heads
Orange sun Coral
Devils sun burn Paly
Assorted green Zoos
1 Emerals Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
7 Nassaius
1 Large hermit
5 Blue legged hermit crabs
5 margarita
5 assorted crabs
5 assorted snails

I currently Change 5 gallons every Sunday with water dosed With purple up And strontnium. I plan on buying some MH in a few weeks. I currently have a 125 sittin in the backyard waiting for me to move. Here are a few pics:


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That is when it is full grown which it probaly isn't right now if it can fit in a 45 gallon with out any problems. By the way nice tank i like the boxfish the most.
I have a 125 I am setting up the end of July then in a year im gonna get a 210. I do know that. I dont really think i have alot of livestock though because everything I have is Very small. My lion is about 3 inches and my shark is 2 weeks old. Goby is about 3 inches
keep up the good work! BTW, once that shark hits about 8 inches, your livestock will likely disappear.... ;-)

Ok So tonight I got a few things. I got 2 purple feather dusters, i candy cane w/ 4 heads, a Ricordia, and new prple shroom
sweet! post us some pics tomorrow! I love seeing new stuff in tanks. Makes me feel good even though I am not adding things!

Yes I agree with Piggy, you shouldnt add a new fish until three weeks after the last, longer with bigger fish. You are headed towards a system crash if it keeps going unchecked.
This is the last fish I am getting until I get back from Vegas Aug. 1.Andget my 125 up. I did notice a track of snail eggs(1-1.5 ft. long) on the back glass of my tank. How long do they take to hatch? Also, I have a hermit crab that is an *******. He is very big, and he HATES turbo snails. HATES THEM. I put on ein my tank when I set it up and he killed it in a few days. Then later, I put a different one in, And he flipped. The snail was at the top, and my crab was trying to climp the glass like a pitbull and a steak! It was rediculus. I got 1 today hoping it would be ok. He jumped from my suspended reef and knocked him off of the glass and killed him within 20 minutes of adding my turbo. What would be more beneficial to my tank?
snails because they can clean everything, also unless you remove the snail eggs and put them in your sump or do something to protect them, then they will become a snack
That is why I hate hermit crabs. They're a big pain in the butt. I would just go with snails and forget the hermits.
Well, he dont pick on my smaller ones. weird. I took him out and put him in a 10g all by him self. I am going to feed him krill once a day to keep him alve. What could I do to remove my snails?