My little chunk of ocean! 210 Gallon Build

I will keep the pics coming. I going to hook up the skimmer to the 75 gallon for now until I get the 210 going. Should be ineresting the skimmer is 32" tall and I believe 10-12 inches wide, it's a beast but I couldnt pass up the deal I got on it. I'm removing my QT tank just to fit this in the fish room.:bounce:
If you can find a 2" cepex true union ball valve at Home Depot Ill eat my hat, literally.

you dont even have to get that complicated.... how about a 2 inch street 90 pvc? good luck with that
i really really like the tank so far. im a big fan of how tall the stand is. makes it really nice for guys like me that are 6'6
Thanks. The hieght is something I have always wanted to do and I may hate myself but it will look great and everything has it's ups and downs. I'm 6' so I will be using a ladder probably, and my girl friend to tell me where to place things. HAHA
They go brand new for $600 plus shipping. I didn't pay that much though but it still knocked my wallet down a bit. New skimmer $600 the look on my face when I opened the box priceless. It's funny how something like this makes me feel like a kid again and it's like I just scored a bunch of toys on christmas!!
That skimmer is AWESOME!!!! And I have to say that I LOVE your tank!! I hope that my 90 can look something like your 75 some day!

I hooked it up about 3 hours ago and its already pulling stuff out!! I'm gonna take the QT tank out and slide the skimmer over to make more room. I am done with adding fish to this tank anyway. When I move the skimmer I'm also gonna add a 4 outlet plug to get rid of some of my power strips.