NewPortRichey's Tank Rebound!

The way you do those is to buy 2 of em.Take the dirty one out once a week to wash,and put the clean one in its place.
Ahhhhh, makes sense. I've got to know this. I'll be constructing my sump accordingly. The first plan was to have some plexi next to the inlet and cut a circle in it, perfect for a filter sock. Any more input on this would be great.

The Following User Says I'M SORRY to BIFFERWINE For A Previous Post: Remove Your Thanks NewPortRichey (August 21st, 2007)
JIMINY! We thought there were three options:
1. He's still in love w/you
2. He's got an alternative motive
3. It's an amazing bond between two people that we're just beginning to understand.

I went to hit the I"M SORRY button but alas, there is not one. At this point I'd say put some sand in the c*@ksuckers gastank and kick him out! Lock the doors, change the locks and wait for him to start crying. No man there. Sorry biffy. One of my 3 sisters has gone through 2 divorces, they never seem to be pretty and can take one heck of a toll on a person. Try to hang in there. Our thoughts are with you.

He is still in love with me. He wants to still try and make things work. But he is also very angry with me at the same time for leaving him. And he thinks he is entitled to all the money since I am the reason for the divorce, not him. He moved all the money over a month ago, and he told me about it last night, because he said he felt bad for doing it. But not bad enough to give me my half, I suppose!

I told him he can keep the money if he moves out (he keeps using the excuse that he can't afford to move out). But if he insists on staying here, then he needs to give it back to me. He said he will do neither.
What about running a y in the pipe just above the area where it drops in and splitting the water going into the sump. put in a ball valve to shut off the water, change the sock, while the other is still filtering the water, then put the new one in, repeat for the other side

excuse the crude drawing, but the red lil blocks could be the ball valves to turn on and off while changing the filtersock. the green things are the filtersocks...
He is still in love with me. He wants to still try and make things work. But he is also very angry with me at the same time for leaving him. And he thinks he is entitled to all the money since I am the reason for the divorce, not him. He moved all the money over a month ago, and he told me about it last night, because he said he felt bad for doing it. But not bad enough to give me my half, I suppose!

I told him he can keep the money if he moves out (he keeps using the excuse that he can't afford to move out). But if he insists on staying here, then he needs to give it back to me. He said he will do neither.

Let me know if I overstep my bounds:

His actions are fairly typical based on the theory you have plainly stated above.

Men are Men and boys are boys.

Womens emotions are intuitions are more in tune than I could ever imagine. You are truly the startest creatures on the earth. That being said every woman should stick with their instincts. You seem like one that will and the rest of life will fall in around you. Congrats, you're one of the privelaged to live like that. The rest are constantly finding their way, from life to death, much like Neil.
What about running a y in the pipe just above the area where it drops in and splitting the water going into the sump. put in a ball valve to shut off the water, change the sock, while the other is still filtering the water, then put the new one in, repeat for the other side

excuse the crude drawing, but the red lil blocks could be the ball valves to turn on and off while changing the filtersock. the green things are the filtersocks...

This is the first in the running. Providing the filter socks don't remove anything I need on a regular basis for my corals. Any more input on this???????????
Side view of what I am prolly going to do with my sump


As for taking stuff out, only the big stuff that drops into the overflow is trapped by the filtersock, the skimmer gets the rest...
to answer the question about sticking the drain pipe from the overflow directly into the water. with my experience it will not let the rushing air escape the pipe and will cause a lot of burping and gurgling back up through the overflow box. i used a piece of vinyl tubing and layed it slightly on it's side to help with the splashing sound. but, the filter socks you are talking about using will allso help with the water crashing sound.
On my sump the PVC drains are underwater.I don't hear any gurgling on mine,then again the overflows have them dursel standpipes which prevent the gurgling.

Two Y drains into the same chamber doesn't make a whole lot of sense.A Y drain is good for a single overflow to drain on opposite sides of a sump or for a separate sump and fuge.Maybe I miss something?
I was just thinking for ease of cleanout of the filter sock. Just so you dont have to shut anything off to get in there and do some cleaning.
Update: I got my baffles in the 30 gallon long and was putting it under my tank in the cabinet. To my spurise it wouldn't fit. It was just 1/2 too long to fit. So, I took one of the posts out of the corner of the tank and tried to make it fit. Sooo close it was. So, I did as every other would do, I tried to force it..... and broke the brand new 30 gallon. Now I've got no filtration running and a stand that's looking quite mangled. I just happened to remember my friend has a 125 for sale. A call was made and voila! I have a 125 gallon in my garage.

I can't get the homemade stand until tomorrow though. Will my fishies be ok for a night with no filtration? I'm planning on syphoning all the water to the new tank tomorrow and getting everything set up all over again. I just don't want to lose anything. Advice please?
It must be something in the air,everybody is going big.Another thread worth watching and good luck Newport.

The fish should be good with good circulation and a heater.
I'll be closely studying Biffy's thread. The tank I just got looks just like hers. Minus the stand. I've got some painting to do and after that I'll have to finish the woodwork with some stain. Atleast I can set the tank up and switch everything over before I get that done. I'm looking to have everything done this week, especially for my poor little fishes sake. Tomorrow should be interesting. Be sure to tune back in for photos and of the new tank transfer and my sweaty a$$ drinking rum n' cokes.