Justin's 125 build

Speaking of updates..................................

Justin what's happening with the tank, man? :dunno: :shock:
You're leaving us high and dry.
I know, I've been so busy with work that I have been putting off the next major thing which was moving all my LR from the sump and placing the sand. Well I'm happy to report that between yesterday and today, I got it done. I got a Gift Certificate to the LFS for my birthday which was just the extra push I needed to make the time to get it done. I will take some pics tomorrow when the lights are on and the storm has settled, and then it's off to the LFS for some new goodies soon. :) I think I'm going to get my Niger Trigger first though I'm still not sure.
My trusty sidekick, just doing some last minute inspections...
Tank is done and coral is under halides... now I need to get the hood built...
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Sump and fuge is fully operational
I'm having a hard time getting a good shot to give some perspective on the aquascaping but I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. I moved it a few times and took my time getting it how I wanted it. I have a couple of caves/bridges and plenty of swimming room but most importantly, it looks natural. Now to get it covered in coral :)
Quit playing and get to the LFS. Let's get something in there already. Looks great btw. I think it will look really good when you start getting your corals in there right where you want them.
I am starting with very little and 125 is a lot to fill soooo.... it's going to be a slow process but I am excited! This part is fun!
Yeah it is. Ans I know what it takes to fill it, I'm still working on my 120. You have more patience than me, I'd have been at the LFS looking to cash in that gift certificate already.
I'm home from the LFS. I got some peppermints, a brittle star, nassarius, and astreas to add to my CUC, but no fish tonight. They only had one fish that was on the want list but it just came in yesterday so I had them set it aside and I will make it mine after it's been fattened up a bit. Any guesses?