Marinne's 65G LPS tank

dang y'all should move down to FL. had a wholesaler go public with a monthly fee. $35 for one month, $90 for 3, $150 for 6, and $200 for the year and you get the wholesale prices. example war paint scoly or any scoly $80, 10 heads of duncan $35, plates, welso, elegance are all $35. fish are a third of what you pay in a store. sucks i just downgraded from a 150. lol
all filled and waiting for some more rock...and my new LED fixture


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How about a DIY overflow with PVC? Very easy to make, and solves the problem of the tank not being drilled. Youtube for vids of people doing it :)
I had thought about it...might have to convince the husband tonight lol, would really like to use my NWB150 skimmer and get all the cords out
The only problem with gravity fed drains is getting the return pump to pretty much pump back the right amount of water for the drain. Too much and the tank will overflow and the pump will burn out. Too little, and the sump will overflow. Decisions, decisions! :p
Really pissed off that Live Aquaria is using UPS now!!!!

lets just say the LR I ordered won't be in my possession until 5 P.M.
The only problem with gravity fed drains is getting the return pump to pretty much pump back the right amount of water for the drain.
This is easily solved by proper design of the overflow and return lines.

Too much and the tank will overflow and the pump will burn out.
This is why you always use an overflow with a capacity that well exceeds the return pump's GPH. Or you you can shunt a portion of the return flow back to the sump to throttle down the return flow.
A new alternative is to get those fancy new DC pumps that you can throttle to get the GPH that you want/need.

Too little, and the sump will overflow. Decisions, decisions! :p
If the overflow line in the tank is properly set, this will never happen.