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    Majano Anemone?

    So I was moving rocks around in my tank yesterday and found some hitchhikers. I'm pretty sure they are Majano Anemones but would appreciate it if someone who has actually seen these before could take a look. I have heard of people that keep these, and people who kill them asap - are there...
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    Gobie vs Coral

    I have a good size golden head gobie that has made it his hobbie to sift sand over my newly added (1 - 2 months) corals. My mushrooms and button polyps seem to be able to shake it off, but my flower leather is getting a collection of sand in the base of each "flower." I tried to move the coral...
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    Tank Pest?

    Hi all, awhile back there was a great link to a site that showed pics of common aquarium bugs. If you know what I'm talking about, could you please reply with the link? I can't find it or real pics online to save my life. This morning I woke up to a clear tick/shrimp looking thing running...
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    BTA - Help!

    Hi all, I added a BTA to my tank on Saturday and it has been doing great - I thought. It has stayed swelled up and ate krill last night. All of the sudden it deflated and "fell" into a hole in the LR that it had been hanging out on. It is normally a reddish color (not a rose though) and now...
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    Lighting Q.

    I am interested in upgrading my lighting and would love some advice. My water quality is great, and I would like to add some mushrooms to my tank, and possibly an anemone for my clown. I have the basic 2 bulb light strip now. What would be the easiest and least expensive lighting to add? My...
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    Coral Life Super Skimmer Q.

    I am relatively new to the hobby (having inherited a set up tank) and have a Coral Life Super Skimmer on my 55 gallon tank. This has run perfectly for 6 months, and has been freaking out for the last 2 weeks. It has overflowed 4 times, each time with no warning and clear water. It just happened...
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    Fish Behavior

    I have a Dragon Gobie that used to act like a gobie - hiding in the rocks, hanging out at the bottom sifting sand, etc. I added a red brittle star about a week ago, and the gobie is apparently fascinated with it - going so far as to swim around the powerhead that the star has attached itsself...
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    Sick Clown

    I am having no luck with clowns! My surviving one had a dark speck on its lip a week ago. It grew into a greenish lump, and as of this morning is now surrounded by white "stuff" and is so large he can't close his mouth. He is still eating & acting normally. I went by my lfs, and was told...
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    Brittle Star Question

    I went looking for a brittle star today to help with my sandbed (my snails and gobie aren't cutting it). There was one at the store that I was told was too big for my 55 gal, but the other one is missing limbs - poor thing! I was told that the size of this one was better for my tank, and that...
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    Live Rock Q.

    I've had live rock in my tank for two weeks, and all of the sudden (I'm talking overnight) there are little pod looking things covering the sand around them. They are greenish brown, 1/8" long with a seam down the middle. They look like fish food pellets. I only have 2 damsels, a clown, a...
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    Q's re: Clown fish & Coral banded shrimp

    So I am hooked! I am the one who moved in and found a 55 gallon tank that had been neglected for a year and a half. I have switched it over to Aragonite sand and live rock, and have all kinds of interesting things popping out now :D My water quality is great: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate...
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    Newbie inheriting a tank!

    We recently bought a house and discovered that a saltwater aquarium was coming with it because the owner does not want to move it. It is a 55 gallon tank, and I know little to nothing about it other than: 4 fish - 1 Yellow Tang, 2 Blue Damsels and 1 Hawaiin Humbug Undergravel Filter...