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  1. C

    vortech mp40

    I just got a Vortech MP40 for my 90 gal tank, does anyone know what mode is best to use and at what pump speed? I'm hearing that the Reef Crest mode is better if you only got one vortech, any suggestions? thanks
  2. C

    Water changes, how often, how many gallons etc

    I have a 90 gal tank, 6 fish, quite a few more corals than fish. For the past year, I have been doing 10 gal water changes every two, two and a half weeks. The tank is doing good, fish are healthy, but the sand is getting pretty nasty now, and I'm thinking, not just because of the sand but...
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    something weird growing

    Can anyone tell me what the red thing is next to the zoas ( I think that's what they are called, I'm not good with names) Anyways, some of the zoas died off and after a while, this red thing showed up, it's gotten bigger now, I have no idea what it is or how it got there, at first I thought it...
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    Need help to find out what this is

    I have several of these things growing in my tank, it started out with one, now I have about 4 or 5 that I can see. Although some may look slightly different, they all have those hairy extensions. Can anybody tell me what this is? It's pretty ugly looking, and I'm wondering if they are harmful...
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    what size tank do I need for 3 yellow tangs?

    Is a 90 gal too small for 3 (small) yellow tangs? I also have 1 clownfish and 3 chromis. How big and how fast do they grow? Thanks
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    Clam closed for a couple of days

    I got a clam that has been closed the last couple of days, also I saw some little critters crawling all over it, they don't look like bristle worms, actually, they are pretty small, don't have a clue what they may be, can these things eat the clam and eventually kill it? Thanks
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    clam coral

    I just got a clam coral. I placed it on the sand in the bottom of the tank (90 gal). I have a 48" solar extreme T5 which is on about 9 hours a day. I don't know much about clams, can anyone advise if I placed it correctly and with sufficient lighting? I usually target feed 2-3 times a week...
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    coral looking weird

    I got this coral, it may be some kind of hammer coral, I don't know, I'm not too familiar with names, it's pretty nice, but within the last couple of days, I've been noticing some white specs all over it, and the bottom tentacles look as if they are closed. Any ideas? I'm attaching a picture of...
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    Alternating powerheads

    I have a 90 gal tank with two powerheads, I have only been using one, my corals are mostly moderate current types, but I would like to add the second one to change up the flow a little. What is the best way to do this? Someone mentioned timers, but I need to know every how often should they...
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    Can't keep any invertebrates alive in my tank

    I have a 90 gal reef tank with corals and one clownfish. Everything else seems to die in there. Parameters are good (I test the water regularly) other than the calcium having been a little high before, it has come down now. I've had 8 shrimp die along with a bunch of snails, I put in a sand...
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    calcium level

    I have a 90 gal tank, I tested the level of calcium at 380 ppm, is that too low? I'm due for a water change next week, in the meantime, if it's too low, what can I do to raise it? I got only coral, one clownfish, one starfish, and a few snails. Thanks
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    Need lots of help with my tank

    I'm not really all that new, but I seem to have nothing but problems. To make it short, I had equipment failure about 4 or 5 months ago due to an electrical storm and everything in the tank died (I was out of town). The tank was drained, new sand was put in, the live rock was scrubbed, and then...
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    Purple Tip plate coral not looking good

    I noticed my Purple Tip plate coral is looking more like overcooked spaghetti...I used to be able to see the tentacles with the nice purple tips, now it looks like the tentacles have shriveled up and it's showing what I think is part of the skeleton. My clownfish is hosting it, so is it possible...
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    elegance coral eats shrimp

    How common is for an elegance coral to eat a cleaner shrimp? My elegance swallowed the whole shrimp, all I could see was the antennaes and the very top of the head, till it eventually disappeared. Is this normal behavior?
  15. C

    clownfish swimming sideways & upwards

    I just got two clownfish last night (I don't have any fish just corals). I didn't feed them anything last night, they were swimming fine this morning. When I got back from work, they looked fine, I fed them some mysis shrimp. Right after I fed them, I noticed one started swimming towards the...
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    battery backup for a 90g tank

    I'm thinking of getting a battery backup just for the lights, got a 48"solar extreme t5. The problem is that whenever I lose power, or have a power surge, it apparently resets the programming, so the number of scheduled hours gets all messed up. How can I prevent this from happening? I have a...
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    (relatively) new to reefing...

    Hello, I'm kind of new at this, I say kind of because I've been trying to do this for a few months but have encountered some "disasters" along the way...anyways, to my question, I got a couple of fire shrimp, the next evening, one of them was sitting on a rock looking half dead, very pink, I had...