

Reefing newb
Hello everyone, Is anyone familiar with the technics shown here Aquascaping <br>Tricks and Tips

I have been reading a fair amount about rock slides, and I want to do my best to prevent this from happening. I dont understand the "tapping" into the plexi glass, and how the thread rod stays secure to the plexi glass. I understand the bolt holding the rocks in place, but I dont understand what keeps the rod from moving.

Would zip ties (Black from what I have read) be sufficient to secure rocks resting on the piece that is fastened to the threaded rod?

Thanks for your help guys and gals
I use PVC and zip ties for my rocks. However, I didn't use the piece of acrylic to start. I jut used the pvc and elbows, and built a small plat form out of it.

But to answer your question...Yes, zip ties (black) will easily hold the rock. I would recommend getting at least 11" zip ties. for the main portions, and some smaller ones for the smaller rocks.
I also didn't use plexiglass or acrylic. I just built a square frame out of PVC to sit on the bottom of the tank. This was covered in sand. The PVC arms extended upwards from the frame. It worked really well.