Attention Vlamingi Keepers


I am a girl
Does your vlamingi ever lay on the bottom of the tank?

Last night I came home and saw Jill laying on the bottom of the tank. I took my handy paint stirrer and tapped her with it to see if she was alive. She "woke up" and started swimming around normally. This morning when I checked, she was "sleeping" in her usual spot behind the rocks, but has gone back to laying on the bottom.

I made plans with NDB to catch her tonight and take her to my LFS for them to quarantine her if she is sick.

Have you guys seen your vlamingis doing this?
I guess Jill is off to the LFS :( I really hope she makes it. I hope she does okay while I'm at work today too. I'm really worried about her.

Every thing else is doing fine -- no problems with any other fish. I wonder if she has finally outgrown my tank.

I have the biggest tank in the city that I live in (that my LFS knows of). If she has outgrown it, there is nowhere for her to go except to a different city, or a commercial aquarium. The nearest commercial aquarium is in Las Vegas. I would be very hesitant to take her on such a long road trip.
She possibly was sleeping, but it's weird because I've never seen her do this before. She was acting fine when I got home from work today, so maybe I'll just keep an eye on her for the next few days...
I don't have any reassuring information for you unfortunately. I have never seen Jack do this at all. He is very active at night and if hes not slowly cruising the tank he has a dark spot that he basically sits idol at and "sleeps" I dont know how the guy ever feels rested at all. This is a very common thing with pretty much all naso species to be more of an active fish at night. If the room lights are on at all he wont hold still. If they are off, well he might swim in place in a dark spot half the night or so.
my naso and unicorns are all over the tank at night...
most my other tangs tuck up in the rocks...

My Blue regal was on the sand bes all the time when i set up the tank

Wonder if the stress of cleaning the system like u did stressed jill...
do u use stress coat...
I use that stuff when i do a water change or scrape off the glass... thats the only thing i will chemicaly add to the tank

Hope all goes well... Love those fish...
Jill is doing fine. She has been swimming, eating and acting normal. I have caught her laying down in the sand a couple times, but she always returns to her same old self.

I think that she may normally sleep that way, but before coralline covered the front of my tank, she slept in the back, behind the rocks, where I couldn't see her. Since the coralline took over the front, she took a liking to sleeping in the front. And when I scraped the front off, she seems to have stayed up front. Maybe this is just normal for her, but I'm just not used to seeing it...
Well, Jill is sick. With something. One eye is weird. It's bulging out like popeye, but instead of it just being a bulging eye, it looks like there are several air bubbles in her eye ball causing it to protrude. It's about double in size what it should be. And today I noticed for the first time that she has some black sores on her belly. Not in the usual place that HLLE is seen, though. They are just holes where the flesh is rotting away on her underside. Weird. I suppose a trip to the LFS with her is in order tomorrow when I get home from work :( There's no way I can possibly quarantine her in my house.

I'm finding out that vlamingis seem to be especially susceptible to HLLE-like diseases, more so than any other types of fish!
Yes, I'd have to check in Phoenix. I know that there aren't any aquariums in Phoenix (the closest aquarium is in Las Vegas), so that's what I meant. The problem is, when she's in this condition, who on earth would want to put her into their tank?