Chat error popup (doesn't affect my ability to use it)


I failed Kobayashi Maru
On all my laptops in the house, but only in chrome, i get a popup TypeError: Object# <HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'create'. Seems to be fine on Firefox.

I just hit OK, and it doesn't affect my ability to chat. But just thought you'd like to know. :mrgreen:
Thanks for letting us know - I've asked Ian to have a look into it. I'm glad it doesn't seem to stop it working, but let me know if you come across any other problems.
I've been using chrome for ages now... and I've always gotten that message but never paid any attention to it because it hasn't affected my chatting experience. :D
Thanks for reporting the error!

I think I've managed to fix it now :D. Can you confirm that it works ok for you now please? :)
While we are on the subject, i get this error when i log into chat

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '')

I dont think its effecting my chatting. I use Safari
Stop whining lilfish


This is why browsers need to follow uniform rules. Too much inconsistencies all for the sake of being different.
Really sorry Hannah, but I've been trying to fix this today and I can't see what would be causing the error :(. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any patches, but as it's not stopping it from working I think it may just be a bug that's around until the chat company fix it.