Doc's Shark Tank

but you also have to take into consideration how long it might take for it to actually get sold on craigslist, it might take months, if it gets sold at all
I put It up on my local classifieds and I got a bid for full price after 12 hours. I am hopeful. It is worth the attempt.

So, I have a new tank..... F%&K YA!!!

But, it does come with a price. After I picked up the tank, I borrow my neighbor to help me take the tank down my stairs. I placed the tank on the top of the stairs and we slowly lowered it down the stairs....until the weight was too much for my neighbor, who let the whole thing go....all on me (damn it was heavy) and then, into my wall....


My sweet wife was kind to me and did not kill me for putting a HUGE hole in the wall. The plastic frame on the top of the tank cracked and now, I am scared about it. I need some direction from the smart ones here to let me know if I need to do something to increase the integrity of the tank since the top is cracked...not the glass, but the black frame.


But, I am happy to have a BIG ASS tank in my basement, just waiting to get cleaned, re-siliconed, and filled with my current tank inhabitants and 2 more angelfish. I am planning on getting a blue-faced and an emperor before the end of the year. Here is another pic of the tank.


I will clean it out this weekend and make sure it is ready to go. I may have to wait til next weekend to make the switch since the holiday weekend is already full of plans and I don't want to disappoint the kids. SWEET!!!! I am just so excited about my AWESOME find, it was just so much bigger than I thought it would be.... :-)

Looks like an amazIng find doc! Sorry about the wall. Can't wait to see that thing all converted. I bet squishy will be stoked on the extra room too
Whats a little wall damage?Small price to pay for a bigger tank.Congratulations Doc.
Before moving the tank anymore.Use some super glue on that broken trim.That should hold it just fine if you let it set for a few hours.Or you can use gorellia glue.That'll hold anything.
WOW I love sharks! You did a great job on building the stand. Man that is a monster tank but the shark will love it and I think biff will to.LOL I can't wait to see it up and the shark swimming in it. I would go ahead a resilicone it just to be on the safe side. You never know what the old silicone went throuhg or how long it will last.
WOW I love sharks! You did a great job on building the stand. Man that is a monster tank but the shark will love it and I think biff will to.LOL I can't wait to see it up and the shark swimming in it. I would go ahead a resilicone it just to be on the safe side. You never know what the old silicone went throuhg or how long it will last.

That is what I thought. I hope to have the tank up and running in a week or so. :-)
Congrats on the new tank. It's going to look awesome when you get it finished. As for the hole very easy to fix.
Doc you can order complete new plasic rims if you really worried about it, or...the best thing to do IMO would be to cut both of the plastic ones out and silicone some glass ones in. Be just as strong with no shadows
I think I will just super glue down the current ones. The cross braces seem to be strong and stable. I will clean the tank first and when I am adding the silicone, I will glue down the plastic boarder. I cannot imagine it will make that much difference in the strength of the tank.

As for making my neighbor pay for the hole, it was my idea to ask him and I brought him some cupcakes for his trouble. I can throw a few somas his way if he is really hurting (wait, that was a joke for all you licensing people out there with the government.... a joke ;-) )

I am currently cleaning out the sand and junk in the tank as well as scraping off the old coralline algae on the back of the tank. After it dries, I will re-silicone it. I am hoping to get it all done tonight so I can glue down the frame tomorrow and have it ready to go at the start of next week!!! I have taken a few pics and will post them in a bit.

-Doc I am with the silicone, getting ready to put on another coat after cleaning the tank. Question: Do I do just the inside seams or should I turn the tank on the back side and do the bottom as well? I never thought of this question before and I could use some help. Also. What does that black frame thing on top do and should I glue it all down tight if it is lifting off from the glass on any area?

See folks, DIY stuff just isn't me. I can't ask how a glass fish tank it is feeling. It just stares at me and so... I am useless. Help???
