Fishy's First Ever 90g Aquarium!!

I'm having coral envy right now. So many people adding great corals, and I'm spinning my wheels waiting on my lights to arrive. Great additions, BTW!

Me too, but it's because my LFS is keeping their salinity so high, most of their corals look like :pooh:!! I'm going to have to break down and try online coral buying....
I glued most of my new frags into their permanent places tonight, took a few others off the frag plugs and re-glued to rubble, and spent most of the afternoon and evening just doing tank maintainance. Good news is I *finally* got my HOB filter and sump running. No baffles for now (my coral additions have created a slight cash flow problem LOL), and the thing is still hanging out of my stand, but its running!! The downside is now that its running I've discovered just how dang loud my return pump is!! I've got to invest in a new return pump asap, 'cause this just isn't going to work for me or my officemates! Any recommendations on a quiet but reasonably priced brand for a new return pump?
Okay, I need some good thoughts sent my way for tonight. After 2 floods in my office I finally gave up on the sump and have hired a place to come in to get it inside the stand and set it up for me [mind you, I have no money at this point to do this so am going to have a big late fee on my student loan payment this month]. I just talked to the guy and he is thinking he'll need to empty my tank to do it. I'm really hoping he can do it fast and that I don't lose anything in the process. I hate the idea of taking down my tank, but I guess its better than having it crash down while he removes the brace on the stand. Still, please send good thoughts to my critters!
All went well, no lives lost! Still may need to add a ball valve to the overflow line, but seems to be running okay for now (hopefully this is true when i return to my office in the morning!) And my skimmer is skimming away. Fingers crossed my floor isn't wet in the morning (esp since I have a reviewer coming at 11 to review my files - yikes!)
great shots!

i love the little eyebrows that all the blennies have

Aren't they adorable?!! My tail-spot is such a ham, I am totally in love watching this fish! She completely owns the tank and I love watching her dive into my pukani rock and then pop her head up and look around. She wasn't originally on my stocking list but is by far the best addition :)
I am super excited to announce a new addition to my tank - a male/female pair of perfectly marked domino clownfish! I went out with the intention of either buying a standard black and white clown pair or getting something to help control the iso/amphipod population in my tank and instead found an extremely healthy pair of domino clowns for only $99!! I am super excited, these guys normally run around $130 each in my area. They have been at an LFS that has immaculate tanks for several months now and are in very good condition. I've named them Dahlia and Ainsley. Pics to come tomorrow!!

In the mean time, I'm still trying to decide what to add to help eat up the zoa-killing pods in my tank. I'm thinking a black-cap basselet, but might go with a fairy wrasse instead. I had just planned on adding a red velvet fairy wrasse and am not sure I can afford both the wrasse and domino clowns this month. And I'm not sure how two wrasses would do in a 90.
Today is not a good day. Went to another LFS to try to find a six-line wrasse to add to the tank to help control the coral eating isopods in the tank. They had both a tiny six-line and a black cap basselet - both of which I have been considering. After a lot of internal debate, I got both of them. The basselet has a bit of a temper so not sure how this experiment is going to turn out. Worse case scenario, I move my tail-spot blenny and shrimp to my 10g, and then move the basselet and wrasse to my 45g when I get it set-up. Well, actually I guess worse case scenario is that I find my fish and shrimp dead, but fingers crossed I'll be able to grab them out before they are killed.

Came to my office to add them to my tank and discovered a major flood :( Return line snapped again. I think I need to find a wet/dry vac to clean it up. There's saltwater all over my cords, and one of my GFCI adapters won't reset. Its the one that I had my AI Sols plugged in to, I'm seriously hoping they weren't fried. This sucks.