Sarah's new 60 gallon!

Every week I go to my lfs and for the past 4 weeks there has been an amazing flame angel there in a tank with firefish, I've watched him for hours and have seen him eat a couple of times and Friday I decided to buy him. He's such a big, beautiful fish. I added him and left the lights off til Saturday afternoon and watched nervously for signs for aggression but everything seems ok. My six line is a sweetie to my clown and goby and the flame is ignoring everyone.


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The horrible white dotes on the back glass are coraline algae, I never see it and for some reason the camera flash makes it stand out terribly.
I won't be adding another fish for at least a month or 2, and, I didn't want to add another this quickly after adding the clown, I just couldn't pass up this flame, usually great fish are sold right away, so I end up getting them right after shipping which I believe may have contributed to my issues.
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Tagging along... Nice progression so far... Did you know your angel is a hermaphrodite? Oh, and a potential coral muncher. You might need to get a fish muzzle. :)

I wish I had the space for a bigger tank.

And I think the saying goes, What doesn't kill my fish makes it meaner...
A teeny tiny muzzle. Now, that is an idea. I'll need some specialty super small welding tools to craft that.
Reminds me of that Seinfeld where George runs over a squirrel and is trying to impress some chick so has a vet operate on the little guy. The vet says it's very expensive, they had to send away for tiny surgical instruments.
I am aware of the possibility, but, with experience, have determined I am not a coral lover, in fact I've been a vocal "frag hater." I'd much, much rather have the beautiful fish. If he wants to gnaw at some zoas, he's more than welcome.
Doesn't the pic suck??! That's cause it WAS a super cool video of my tank, but, it isn't compatible since it is a .mov file or some blah blah. So, I just posted a still shot.
the coraline looks like stars on the back ground. Looks good, plus i'm envious that my Coraline isn't growing that fast, if any at all. Flame angel at our LFS was like 140$!
The flame is a pig. Eats like crazy. Fish all swimming around and getting along. Everything seems great. Then, last night, I notice white stringy poo hanging from him. Great. I guess this means I am buying prazi pro? I'm going to have to treat the display tank.
i think you will be fine, if hes eating. when i bought one of my clowns he had stringy poo fow 3 and a half weeks. i just kept feeding garlic and he got better