Sharkies Reef

wow, so its been ages since I've updated here and I have quite the bad news....

First off I'll start with the shark dying... still don't know why since he was eating, swimming, and doing really well in the 50g with Kona, I'm pretty sure its the heat that zapped him.... anyways Kona was doing much much better and I was happy with his progress over the last week...

Yesterday I had to work all day and some family came over and my 13 yr old cousin decided that she wanted to look into my fish tanks and that "EW this smells strange" (which she must have a problem to not love the smell of an aquarium) and decided that the air freshner in our bathroom should make it smell MUCH better.

Mind you this little brat stole $23 bucks outta my wallet along with messing with a ton of other crap after I TOLD her to get outta it.... anyways you could guess what happened...she dumped the whole fricken bottle into the tank!!!!!

The whole tank of corals were melted away and kona was laying on the floor.... dead! I was SOOO PISSED!! D:< I can't even being...

oh and to top it off.... she decided this morning that because she "accidentally" killed everything that she would try to EMPTY THE TANK AND MOVE IT HERSELF!!! D:<

-inserts LOTS of bad bad bad words here- and so this morning I woke up to a huge "BANG! CRASH" and "Uh Ohhh...." and water all over my floor, clothes, FINAL NOTES, and oh btw, A BROKEN TANK!!!!! EFF THAT SPAWN OF SATAN.

the only good thing about this is somehow Kona managed to survive because when the tank crashed he flopped around on the floor.... so hes back into the 20 and hopefully is going to make it.. poor little guy :(

I feel so devastated... I was moving everything over to the 50 for part of a school project to prove that an eel could reside in a reef with a reef community without eating anyone((the professor thinks its cant be done. hes a MORON)) (which hes been doing GREAT with the others in the 20 when we moved and when I first got him. he don't even care) so all my beautiful corals are GONE.

I only managed to save my leather (who looks pathetic) and my pipe organ coral, all the buttons look dead and my star polyps look half melted dead and gone....

I was so furious i didn't even take any pictures of the whole mess... mostly because my camera went missing... hmm wonder where THAT went!

and to top it off her freaking parents (my STUPID STUPID aunt and uncle) think that what their daughter did was a good thing becasue "EELS ARE SNAKES IN WATER FORM FROM THE DEVIL". my fricken gosh they are NOT!!! they won't pay for the damage of anything, and then the kid went and smashed my bedroom mirror because she was angry at me.

i cant even express my feelings right now. I want to fricken SCREAM AND KILL THAT KID!!!! all my hard hard work, my final notes and research paper were all ruined so a semesters worth of work is gone and i'm probably going to fail... and i cleaned up all the proof before taking pictures to try and get some sympathy from my teacher..

so the death count=
2 cleaner shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
All corals- 4 torch corals, 3 hammers, 2 colonies worth of star polyps, 5 button colonies and all the wonderful other little daisies :(
2 turbo snails
1 lawnmower blenny (walter :( RIP)
and pray pray PRAY kona will pull through... I didn't want to risk putting him into my QT tank because who knows what the kid did to that one...

and of course the LR that was gone with it too.... not live anymore...

ugh. I'm so disgusted... and I have a trip booked and paid for this weds to leave for the weekend and if I don't go now I won't be going for quite a few more years.... my siblings were PISSED off too and decided that they would buy me a door lock, which has been installed as of now.

OMG I HATE HATE HATE that kid!!!

the photos are whats left of my livestock/corals.... it looks so bare now :( sorry they are crappy, they were taken with brents phone.... gosh i'm so.... so... UGH!!!!


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oh hell no i would takw her to court and she would be replacing all of it and i would kick the shit out of her for my camera and money that she stole. i feel so very bad for you. but if it was me i would have a dead relative and i would make their life crappy until they paid for it. how would they like it if you went to there house and destroyed their crap.
So sorry to hear Sharkie!!!!! I had a cousin once who wanted to pet my "nemo". I told her that she could look at the fish close up but not touch IF her parents paid what the fish would cost up front. That was just looking at the fish. If that had been me, the whole family of relatives would have been kicked out of the house immediately. And somebody(s) would have been hurt physically. But why if your stuff is of the devil why were they even willing to stay at your house anyway? And I hope Kona makes it.
Sharkie, that sucks! Hopefully Kona pulls through. If there's anything we know, it's that he's a really tough guy.

What are your parents doing about all this? Why aren't they sticking up for you?

Time to move out, IMO. That's no way to live.
Oh my parents are furious and they were kicked out of their week long stay at our house... My parents are talking to the police about it tomorrow because it was destruction of property, she stole money, and basically my whole entire semesters worth of work, not to mention a good $800s was invested into that tank... :( I was going to wait til it looked really really neat to post a new build thread on it too! eff that child!

This smester was actually my last here at home :( me and the man were planning the wedding for this summer and moving into our new home in monterey... taking the tanks with us! which is why for the last 2 months i've been living out of boxes, no reason to unpack it all when i'm moving in 3 more.

:( its just devastating... Kona just ate 2 garlic soaked silversides.. hes laying on the bottom of the tank awfully sick looking though... I hope tossing what i had left in the tank isn't going to mess anything up but i've been watching everything carefully and have been testing every hour today....

and my camera was found in my cousins purse in their car, go figure. so we'll see how things go... pray they will have to replace EVERYTHING. I can't afford to buy another tank that size right now... that one was given to me after my last one had a leak that was getting too bad to fix... i trade a guy who had a lizard and needed a bigger tank or something relative to his 50...

and on craigslist this is what i'm finding:

that is if i was going to buy myself another setup... but i still would have a lot more to go...

we have a 30 and a 10 gallon lying around the house but those were supposed to be my turtles 'christmas present' and one for my freshwater fish when they get a bit bigger ( i have guppy fry currently)
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I'm really glad your parents are standing up for you! 13 is old enough to know right from wrong, you keep referring to her as a child, but at 13 you know stealing money, cameras and killing pets is WRONG. I'm glad you got your camera back too! Her parents sound like they are kooks. In denial about their rotten child. What kind of example are they setting for their daughter when they condone her behavior and don't offer to replace what she broke?! No wonder she's such a brat, look at her role models in the household she comes from.
oh belive me her parents are WAY OUT THERE. they wont celebrate holidays because its 'against Gods will" when thats what Christmas is about...

and they are the kind of people I cant stand. Thanksgiving Brent came with me to dinner and made the extra effort to meet everyone and all my aunt was saying was "oh cesilie look at this boy here *shows picture* He doesn't have lust in his eyes and would be a great match for you. he has his degree and is very well off" RIGHT in front of him!! my response was "Oh, so my choice in men is not up to your standards? What do you know anyways! I've know brent for 15 years, I THINK I know how hes going to treat me later on in life" school pisses me off... i could care less if you were a high shcool dropout as long as you have a job and take care of me, and brents going to school so she makes me angry.

she claims it was an "accident" and that she "didnt know" it would hurt the fish. >:C this is probably why they don't have any pets.
what i dont understand is for someone who lives in santa cruz to NOT like the ocean or fish or the smell, she thinks my tanks smell, why the hell are they living RIGHT ON THE BEACH!?
I feel sooooo bad for you sharkie i cant beleave that a young lady supposidly could do somthing like that.:yikesu:I hope you can get somthing together and kona pulls thru. I would disoen that family member after she paid for everything:frustrat:
Did she "accidentally" steal your camera and money too?!?! That kid is going to be screwed up for the rest of her life because of her horrible parents. People aren't going to tolerate her "accidentally" breaking and stealing things when she gets older, and she'll end up getting her ass kicked, in jail, or both.
I'm not one of those people that preaches about how "blood is thicker than water" blah blah blah. I think people that say that have their heads up their asses and have never had to deal with horrible, awful family members. If there is a toxic person in your life, you have the right to cut them out, whether you're related or not! Sometimes, you are better off without that person in your life, and it doesn't matter whether you're related or not. NDB hasn't spoken to his parents in years because having a relationship with them is worse for his life than being without them. It was the right thing to do for him, and he doesn't regret it.

Luckily these people are your aunt, uncle and cousin so you don't have to have a close relationship with them, but I'd say that these are people that you shouldn't ever have to deal with again! Good riddance. They sound like trash and you don't need those types of people in your life.
Oh my god. That little four legged creature with a tail would be outside bleeding if that happened. I don't care what anyone says or thinks..unless she's like mentally handicapped she knew what she was doing..and in the event she wasn't....she would be by the time I was done with her.

Holy hell I'm so sorry for all the rough times you're seeing with your aquariums. I truly hope you'll see better days and again sorry for shitty relatives. We all have them, but yours are way more active :*(
Sharkie, so sorry to hear about it! (and incredibly mad)
I'd press charges or threaten litigation - people just don't understand how much money/time/love is poured into the hobby. It must have taken some serious restraint not to tear her eyes out. I'd love to send you a frag when you get your tank back up. let me know.

I'm not one of those people that preaches about how "blood is thicker than water" blah blah blah. I think people that say that have their heads up their asses and have never had to deal with horrible, awful family members. If there is a toxic person in your life, you have the right to cut them out, whether you're related or not! Sometimes, you are better off without that person in your life, and it doesn't matter whether you're related or not. NDB hasn't spoken to his parents in years because having a relationship with them is worse for his life than being without them. It was the right thing to do for him, and he doesn't regret it.

Luckily these people are your aunt, uncle and cousin so you don't have to have a close relationship with them, but I'd say that these are people that you shouldn't ever have to deal with again! Good riddance. They sound like trash and you don't need those types of people in your life.

Nothing left to add other than my sincere condolences. :(
OMG thats horrible I am so sorry. I can understand some of your pain, my brother came to visit me this summer with his 7 kids, he let them totally run around my house distroying things I had to keep pulling his kids away from my bird cages (where they was poking sticks at them) make them sit on the couch and watch tv, I look out the window and my husky thats 12 years old with cancer and arthritis is sitting looking sadly at me as one of the kids is beating her over the head with stick. etc. etc. luckily they couldn't access my tanks because they are built into the wall, so I just had to stop them from hiting them.

Needless to say they are no longer welcome as my home I will meet them somewhere else, if I need to...

So so sorry about your loss... Eels are tuff though I'm sure kona will pull through.
Sharkie, that just broke my heart reading your post. You must be stunned. Certainly, you should contact the authorities because this should be covered under your parents homeowner's policy. You might be able to get the insurance company to spring for a whole new tank? It seems that your aunt and uncle need to understand basic respect. Did they have an explanation for why your camera or money ended up in their daughter's possession? I have a family member that constantly made excuses for their son. He always had bad teachers or friends that got him into trouble... Now the kid is 20, dropped out of high school because "they just didn't understand him" and he can't hold down a job for more than a couple weeks at a time. It's sad to see a life ruined because parents can't do their job and it's worse that you had your hard work ruined. You would be doing that kid a favor by calling the authorities and making her take responsibility for her actions it seems like that is lacking in her life. Kona is in my thoughts and I hope he has a speedy recovery. I've got a frag or two to send your way when you are ready to set up again.

A quick update, got back from work and my finals tonight to find kona swimming a bit in the 20 chasing one of my shrimp, i fed him a few silversides and he seems to look back to almost normal coloration, I had some nitrate and nitrite spikes and i'm guessing that would be from whatever was in the spray? Everyone from the 20g is doing find and strangely are attacking poor kona...

I'm not quite sure whats going to happen, we contacted the police but currently they are more worried about bigger unsloved thefts (understandable with the holidays but STILL) and will get back to us soon... so they said. I'm going ot keep on them until its resloved. as for the family, I personally ahve disowned them. What they let their brat do not only cost me 2 letter grades (I had to drop my grade down to a C- because of it! >:C not cool!) but i am also trying to cleanup the rest of the mess... the floor is all nasty so we've been vaccuming it up and trying to get everything back in order... Their excuse for the behavior was "she is 13 and hanging out with new people and is trying out new things" and by trying to move the tank she was "helping me". BS she was helping!!

so, we'll see how things go, I leave weds morning for disneyland for the weekend and hopefully everything will be okay and slightly more resloved... My sister will be taking care of the 20 for me and doctoring Kona since shes been learning lots about them and is really good with her little nano