Um..., I got a Blue Hippo....

That sounds like a plan. With many fish, your best bet at catching them all is unfortunately taking the rocks out one by one! Let us know how it goes -- good luck.
Thats SeaBee, I give all frozen food soaked in GVH and a good overall mixed diet. I think all that is in there. I also use the Thera + pellets
That sounds like a plan. With many fish, your best bet at catching them all is unfortunately taking the rocks out one by one! Let us know how it goes -- good luck.

That's what I feared! :shock: Shouldn't be too bad, but I will wait for the weekend so I have time to do it properly and carefully.
Just an update. Hippo doing dandy. Just the initial ich and no recurrence since last March. The varied diet, with seaweed and garlic sauce great for all. Sadly though, I lost my 'Fang', my striped blenny. That will be another post....
I got a larger size powder brown and he only did good for a month. Wasn't my choice to get him. The guy got ich and kicked the bucket. What is the diet you feed them for future purposes? I hear this garlic...what kind of garlic in what form? I usually feed my fish a mix of Dr. G medicated diet and plain mysis shrimp.
Hi Sandman. Sorry to hear about your loss. What I used was New Life Spectrum Thera + A. It is a sinking pellet and it comes in 2 or 3 sizes. I got the tiny pellet, because I had small mouthed fish. Most Tangs, as their name suggests, require seaweed in their diet, at least a couple times a week if not daily for some. I would use nori from the supermarket or Asian Grocery, unroasted. I would also feed mysis shrimp, cyclopeze, and ova. At least a couple times a week, I would soak any of these with GVH (garlic, vitamins, hepa...). There are lots of products like this. The key to healthy vibrant fish is a varied diet, but beware of their needs. The diet doesn't 'cure' ich, but if fish are getting all the right vitamins and nutrition, they will fight through it.

So, on days I may give a tiny pinch of Spectrum, later some mysis. The next day ova and nori, the next cyclopeze and whatever. Mix it up!