Samhain's Little Kitchen Reef

Still waiting for aquatraders to get in my light. Grrrrr! I has no patience for this sort of stuff! It's the only thing stopping me from loading my 10 with life!
I finally got to order my light from aquatraders! Hooray! Now I have to wait the 6-8 business days before it gets here. (fingers drumming incessantly on the computer desk)
Got my light last night! So here are some pics with the new addition.








The light is great for the price, although I do think I will be upgrading to the Marineland LEDs with the separate cords when the bulbs are due to be replaced. Unfortunately, the LFS didn't get a shipment in this week, since they figured sales would be slow due to Easter. Bizarrely enough, they were out of CLOWNFISH, of all things! That's what I'm planning on putting in there, at least for now. If they outgrow the tank, I always have a 90 gallon that I'm sure they won't outgrow! But the other fish I'm looking at getting (Rainford's Goby pair, Hector's Goby pair) really need an established tank to flourish, and a new 10 certainly isn't that! So I'm hoping to get one regular ocellaris and one picasso and keep them as a pair.

In other news, I picked up another 10 and a 3 gallon hex for $5 at a garage sale this morning! The 3 is going to be a betta tank for the computer desk, and I think I'm going to keep the 10 in reserve in case my clowns decide to bless me with little fry.
Nice plan! I still haven't decided whether or not I want to try to raise fry. Maybe someday.
Tank looks good- can't wait to see your clowns :)
Video update! By the way, I HATE how my voice sounds on these things, so the video updates will probably be few and far between. At least with me talking, anyway.........

Going to be ordering several corals from Atlantic Sea Farms on Sunday, and they should be shipping Monday for a Tuesday arrival. Lots of SPS and zoas. The SPS will be going in the Kitchen Reef, as well as some of the zoas, and the rest will be finding a new home in the 90. So stoked to be getting to the ''reef" part of the Little Kitchen Reef!