Sarah's new 60 gallon!

Fish update: last night I could not find the yellow clown goby anywhere. My husband finally found his poor little skeleton. He was such a cutie.
Pics and update: btw, any pics I take during the day are always going to blow, my house is too bright, especially since today is a blizzard day and the snow glare is craaaazy.
So, my six line, clown and flame angel are all happy. About 2 weeks ago I added a gold headed sleeper goby. He is sooo cool, I love how he sifts the sand and is always out and about. He also eats frozen like a pig, thank goodness. And last Saturday I added a yellow assessor. I am now at 5 fish. Cross your fingers I keep them all alive.


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Left to right in the 1st pic you can see the assessor, flame, sleeper and the purple blur of the six line. 2nd pic you can sort of see the flame and the assessor and clown, more of a tank shot. And, of course, my dining room :)
Ok, I am NOT buying gobies anymore. My sleeper goby quickly became my favorite, he was so fun to watch. Today, on the sand, lies just his head. Shudder.
:sad: Very sorry to hear about your sleeper goby.:sad: Wish I could send u mine, he makes a mess of my tank, showering my corals with sand.:frustrat:
Everything has been nice and stable with my 4 fish. Tank is looking great. That one turbo decimated any algae and I keep wanting to add something to my little reef. BUT, I worry about adding a fish, I've got such a good dynamic going on. Soo, I just placed a coral order from Pacific East Aquaculture. I know, I know, I crab and say I don't like corals but now that my corals are starting to spread I'm getting into it more. So I ordered some colonies since I despise frags. I got some gsp, xenia, yellow zoas and clove polyps. I tried to get some things that will spread like weeds, I'm hoping these will take over and I won't have to buy any more corals. My green mushroom and my blue mushroom FINALLY split/dropped a baby. Geez, people say theirs multiply like crazy and that green one I had for a year now and it just reproduced. This is why I need to just spend 50-80 bucks and buy a rock that is already covered in the darn things. I will post pics when my order shows...
All of those corals will grow faster if the water is "dirty" so dont be shy about adding fish or feeding a lot. But I cant wait to see pics!
Finally, something that thrives in dirty water!
Thanks Little Fish. I did a quick "easy corals" search on living reefs whilst coral shopping and it was a comment you made in a thread recommending gsp that made me add them last minute to the cart. I am very excited.